Ever thought about the difference between praise and encouragement? The problem with praise - "You are a great student" or "You are the best at this" - it's often easily brushed off with a simple "I'm not that great."

But what about encouragement? It's about recognizing effort and resilience: "I noticed how hard you worked on that assignment" or "I felt inspired by how the team came together when Shanita was in the hospital." Encouragement speaks to the effort, movement, strength, and faith in the person. It's even impactful in the face of failure. Think about Olympic beach volleyball players - they high five after every play, regardless of the outcome.

Imagine saying to someone after a great presentation: "Nice job, great speech." Now compare that with: "I must tell you how much I liked the way you emphasized the importance of nurses collaborating with physicians in the ICU last week."

See the difference? Encouragement is specific, genuine, and resonates on a deeper level. It's not just about what was achieved but how it was achieved.

Let's shift our focus from general praise to specific encouragement. It can make all the difference in motivating and uplifting those around us. Share your thoughts or experiences with encouragement vs. praise!