Jay Colker's new book, 'Aligned Leadership', has given me a brilliant idea for improving workplace communication! At the end of each chapter, the book has a section titled 'Actions to Consider', which I found incredibly useful. It's a simple yet effective way to transform thoughts and ideas into actionable steps.

So here's a tip I'm excited to share: Next time you're sending out an email to your team, try including an 'Actions to Consider' section. This could be the game-changer in taking discussions from mere ideas to impactful actions. It's a great way to ensure clarity and encourage proactive steps among your team members.

Imagine the boost in productivity and understanding when each communication clearly outlines the next steps! It's all about turning great ideas into tangible results.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this approach. Have you tried something similar? How do you ensure your communications lead to action? Let's discuss below!