Let's talk a bit more about the “Unarticulated Question” …those questions our audience members or our prospects have that they don’t tell us!

In my coach training with the Center for Executive Coaching I was impressed with a huge “Duh” I had. The first question they taught us was “What would make our time great for you today?” At first, I thought it a bit corny until during practice sessions I was the receiver (the one being coached) and had to respond to that critical first question.

It helped me focus clearly on “What do I actually want during this next 20 minutes?” Somehow it was different from “What do you want to talk about today?” or “How’s it going?” The “make our time great for you today” made me focus very clearly on this time, this place, this coach, this issue. In fact, I was able to “articulate” THE thing that I needed help with right now.

And the next question was even more helpful…more on that next Thursday.

Have you asked or answered “What would make our time great for you today?” How did you find it? Let me know in the comments